Will I Have Lower Health Insurance Premiums if I Exercise?

I go to the gym 3-4 times a week doing mainly aerobic exercise, I live a generally healthy lifestyle and wanted to know whether I would benefit from telling my health insurer and whether it would make my premiums cheaper.

Question asked by Ben Constantinou

Many of the insurers are now providing incentives to help their members live a healthier lifestyle.

Often you can build up points for going to the gym, eating healthier or having a health screening.

Points win prizes at the end of the day whether it be in cashback, discounts or other perks.

Promoting healthier living is at the forefront of many of the insurers strategy so if they have a wellbeing scheme they should make you aware of it when considering their plan. Do always make the insurer or your adviser aware of your lifestyle, it can only help your cause if you are a gym addict.

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